Wir sind ELKI!
Eltern Kind Zentrum Schwabing/ Maxvorstadt e.V.

Little Picassos is mainly located in Schwabing, the art centre of Munich. Run by Cynthia Drack, a marketing and creative professional, Little Picassos was born as an avenue to channel what was learnt through over 10 years of experience with artists, graphic artists, illustrators, technologists and child care centers. She holds a Bachelor degree in Business (Marketing) and a Bachelor degree in Arts (Psychology) and uses her knowledge of psychology and her expertise in visual communication to allow children to nurture their love for art and art making.  

Classes and Registrations

Term classes are age specific and run for eight (8) consecutive weeks. If there is a holiday on a class day, the course is extended by a week. Parents, caregivers and siblings are welcome.

Register here


No plans for the School holidays? Why not enroll your primary schooler in a Little Picassos STEAM Camp!

Duration: 5 days. 9:00 AM until 3:30 or 4:00 PM each day

Language: English (+ help in German for the kids that need it)

What do you get when you combine art with STEM? 

You get STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths)!

Combining art and science is a new way for young people to create hands-on work in a project based environment. STEAM adds a whole new dimension to science and technology by using art to make projects fun and exciting. STEAM helps students ask questions, problem solve in groups and individually, and think creatively. This 4 day workshop will include the following:

  • Interactive, tactile canvas paintings: Create paintings that respond to touch
  • Program a robot to paint.
  • Create a theatre piece with robots.
  • Code digital art: The beauty of mathematical patterns and computerised pattern generation
  • Paint with electrical circuits
  • Create computer interfaces with art materials and everyday household items and use them to play cool games.
  • Create art with chemical reactions
  • Colour theory: How did Isaac Newton show us what light is and how colour is created? How do colours mix, how do they complement each other.
  • The math of art: What is the math behind the shapes and patterns we find appealing? Why did the worlds architects vote the Parthenon to be the most beautiful building in existence? How did Brunelleschi use math influence art and architecture for the last 600 years? What secret proportion did Da Vinci use in his masterpieces? What technological secret did the dutch masters jealously guard for centuries in order to create their incredibly realistic paintings?

STEAM Principles taught in this course:

  • Art: Different art techniques and styles
  • Science: Colour theory
  • Science: Chemistry
  • Science, Math: Understanding electricity and electrical circuits
  • Science, Math: Physics of light
  • Tech: Programming
  • Engineering: Robotics
  • Math: Perspective geometry, proportion

and of course English!

STEAM Summer Camp 


Registration is essential. All instruction and working materials are supplied and included in price. Children must bring a packed lunch, but snacks are provided. Please PM Cynthia Drack for further details.
